Rev. Marcus Jerkins, Ph.D.

Rev. Marcus Jerkins, Ph.D..png

Pastor Marcus Jerkins is native of Atlanta, Ga.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Emory University, a Master of Divinity (MDiv) and a Master of Theology (ThM) from the Candler School of Theology of Emory University.  Recently, he was granted a Ph.D. at Baylor University in Religion in the area of New Testament Studies.  Pastor Jerkins serves as the third Pastor of Resurrection Baptist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.  In October of this year, he will be releasing his first book, Black Lives Matter to Jesus: Why the Salvation of Black Life is Important for the Salvation of All Life in Luke/Acts, published by Fortress Press.  Dr. Jerkins is the blessed husband of Dr. Courtney A. Jerkins and the loving father of three children, Nathaniel, Naomi, and Joanna.